Thanks for stopping by!

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I’ve probably nagged you to death with all this writing and comedy stuff and you felt obligated to come here.

I get it. Sorry. I’ll stop now.

Please know: I really, really appreciate it. This whole book publishing dream of mine is dependent on having a platform. That’s industry speak, I’ve learned, for being known. It proves people are interested in what you have to say. I’ve put together this site for this purpose.

It’s dangerous territory for someone who consistently fights a battle of self-doubt. I work to quiet the monster of insecurity that grows anew overnight, arriving every morning fresh with new thoughts of unworthiness. Smack down the haters, they say, but the biggest smack-down I perform every day is my own self, calling me out for doing this, reminding me I’m a fraud and this territory doesn’t belong to me.

I’m going to one-foot-in-front-of-the-other this though. Relentless and resilient is the motto. I’ve got Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic on autoplay. I got this. We all got it - whatever it is we want - we only need to start.

Feel free, as you make your internet stops, to come by every so often. Sign up for my newsletter and you’ll get a note every once in a while. I’m thinking eight or ten a year. Message me, anytime, I like that.

And thank you again for coming!



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